Presentation and Docs

Presentations and Docs contains training presentations, videos, and downloadable articles covering the breadth of weatherization theory and practice.

Download Instructions
  • Clicking links will usually initiate download or view depending on your browser
  • Newer format of Microsoft Office files (.pptx, docx, .xlsx) are handled differently by popular browsers. The most dependable way to download such files is to right click on their links, choose “Save Link As”, “Save Target As”. etc. making sure that the file name extension remains correct – do not rename the file with a .zip extension or allow your browser to eliminate or change the file name extension.

Regional and National Weatherization Guidelines

State Weatherization Specifications

  • Alaska 2011 – These specs will be updated sometime in mid to late Spring 2012. (717 kb)
  • California – Can be found on CalStateWap. Registration to the site is required but is open to the general public. The online copy of these specifications is read-only because of licensing rights. Only California agencies and their subcontractors can download an electronic copy. Hard copies are available for a fee but they are in very limited supply and are massive (4.5″ binders).
  • Oregon 2011 (7 mb)
  • Washington 2017 (4.2 mb)


  • Weatherization supply chain economic benefits, White House, July 15, 2012 – Part 1 / Part 2

Videos (click on links to view)

Presentations and Documents

Videos (click on links to view)

Presentations and Documents

Videos (click on links to view)

Presentations and Documents